İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • İEÜ Yayınevi

    The Caravan Bridge

    The Point Where Trade Began in İzmir

    ISBN/Barcode 978-605-70257-2-2
    Name of the Book The Caravan Bridge
    Sub-Title The Point Where Trade Began in Izmir
    Original Language English
    Editor Nilgün Dungan
    Author Erkan SERÇE
    Translation Mary Işın
    Type Prestige Book
    Editor-in-Chief Raşit ÇAVAŞ
    Book Design Ersu Pekin
    Edition 1st Edition
    Paper Matte Coated
    Cover Paper Clothbound
    Number of Pages 192
    Size 24X28 cm
    Release Date 1st Edition, March 2021


    The Point Where Trade Began in İzmir

    There are landmarks that emerge in the historical development of cities and are identified with that city in people's minds. The antiquity of these landmarks, which goes deep into history, is not that important. Undoubtedly, the Clock Tower, which would be in the square in the middle of the civil and military institutions of Izmir, was desired to be the symbol of the modern face of the city.

    However, Izmir, which was exalted in the forms of the Crown of Asia Minor, the Pearl of Ionia, Little Paris, etc., also had an Eastern face. In fact, Kervan Bridge had been the symbol of the that Eastern face for more than a hundred years. This study aims to trace the Kervan Bridge, which was the symbol of Izmir from the late 1700s to the early 1900s, based upon the works such as engravings, paintings, photographs, travel writings, stories, and poems, to the present day.